Reigning Miss Africa 2020 Queen Visits Kenya Tourism Board

Queen Irene Ng’endo Mukii with the support of Miss Africa Organisation executives, visited the Kenya Tourism Board (KTB) to discuss possible partnerships. This in light of an East Africa casting planned for September 2020 in Nairobi, Kenya.


Representing the KTB  were Director of Marketing Fred Okeyo, Senior Public Relations Officer Anne Kanini, and Manager in charge of Africa and domestic, Alex Tunoi. Cross River State Government Senior special assistant in Events and Tourism Mr. Thomas Ikpeme outlined what the pageant is about as well as how it fits into the government’s broader events calendar. It is part of the internationally acclaimed Calabar Festival which happens in December and attracts bands from all over the world culminating in a bikers parade, the international band carnival, and other iconic events.

The road to Miss Africa 2020 has begun and the organisation is seeking partnerships that’ll contribute towards a successful East Africa casting and possible future collaborations. The Kenya Tourism Board is one such a partner as it shares mutual value with the Miss Africa Organisation: uniting Africans and using socially conscious ambassadors such as Queen Irene Ng’endo Mukii to spread the message.

After all the details of the partnership are finalised, what will emerge will be one of the greatest collaborations between West and East Africa in recent times.


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